Effectiveness of Behavioral Counseling With Modeling Techniques To Improve Student Self-Achievability

July 26, 2023



The purpose of this study was to first, determine the difference in student-reported self-achievement before and after attending behavioral counseling with modeling techniques. Secondly to determine the effect of behavioral counseling with modeling techniques on student self-achievement.

The Link Between Low Motivation and Low Achievement

Researchers in this study, through interviews, questionnaires, and diary entries, observed high rates of low motivation in their population of students. This lack of motivation was attributed to low self-achievement. The definition of self-achievement used was “a person’s ability to achieve the success desired by each individual with certain expertise in the learning process through completing tasks well and more than anyone else.” The researchers decided to implement behavioral counseling with modeling techniques as a way to improve student self-achievement. Researchers believe that for an individual to successfully model behavior they need attention, remembering, imitation, and motivation. These processes mean that modeling involves cognitive processes that can lead to cognitive changes and is not just imitation. The hypothesis was this intervention would have a positive effect on students’ self-achievement.

Positive Results Shown With Behavioural Counselling

This study used a quasi-experimental design with a randomized controlled trial (RCT) approach. The study sample was randomly selected from two classes, with one assigned as the experimental group and the other as the control group. The population in this study were all students of the same grade level, amounting to 12 classes with approximately 435 students. Data was collected using observations, interviews, a self-achievement questionnaire, and student diaries. Data analysis involved testing the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, normality and homogeneity tests, t-tests, and an effect size formula. The study found that the t-test results showed a significant difference in self-achievement between before and after the treatment, suggesting that the behavioral counseling with modeling techniques was effective. The gain score data showed a test value of t = 18.166, and the effect size (ES) was calculated as 4.16, indicating that the treatment was very effective in increasing self-achievement. Overall, the study provides strong evidence for the effectiveness of behavioral counseling with modeling techniques in improving student self-achievement.

Behavioral Counselling Can Improve Student Self-Achievement

These findings provide evidence for the effectiveness of behavioral counseling with modeling techniques in promoting self-achievement among students.

Notable Quotes: 

“Researchers made observations that found that 65% of students had symptoms that led to a lack of student motivation.” 

“There is a significant difference in self-achievement between before and after attending behavioral counseling with modeling techniques.”

Personal Takeaway: 

I was interested in this study because I have also noticed, in recent years, students struggling with their level of effort and motivation in school. At the middle school level, many referrals are for students who demonstrate apathy in school for various reasons. I would like to know more about the intervention implemented, however, the study did not offer details. This study caused me to reflect on my practice of modeling. Learning a new behavior through modeling requires attention first. So, students who are not applying strategies or behaviors as expected may need more explicit modeling and practice of what to attend to in order to imitate the expected behavior.—Dana R. Wells

I Ketut Dharsana, Wayan Eka Paramartha. 2021. The Effectiveness of Behavioral Counseling with Modeling Techniques to Improve Student Self-Achievement. Bisma, 5 (1): pp. 44-48, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23887/bisma.v4i1

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