Innovative & Impactful Software
Measure and Improve Well-Being and Learning
Our MARIO for Me™ software measures learning outcomes in real-time and empowers students to meaningfully reflect on their learning through one-to-one conversations and classes.
Privilege student voice and allow all students to share with a trusted adult (or group of adults) how they are feeling about their academic progress, wellbeing, safety, and attitudes to learning.

Visualize & Prioritize with MARIO for Me
Educators can readily visualize and measure learning outcomes, reflect on their teaching practice, and adjust to meet the needs of their students with our MARIO for Me software.

Puts the student first by making the Individualized Education Plan process more meaningful while reducing paperwork.
Gives you the ability to design, implement, and share one-to-one learning conversations between students and educators all in one place.
Easily monitor and share your students’ levels of progress through a range of critical data points, both quantitative and qualitative.
MARIO for Me Key Features
We have created a truly unique suite of tools that makes the evidence-based practice of The MARIO Framework® easier to implement, measure, and showcase. The MARIO for Me software works equally as effectively in the classroom or virtual learning scenarios.
Protect Privacy
Student privacy and safety come first. We’ve partnered with PRIVO to ensure MARIO for Me is COPPA, FERPA, and GDPR compliant.
Empower Learners
With research-based strategies, data collection, and feedback tools at your fingertips, empower your learners in ways not previously possible.
Connect More
Educators can finally make time for more meaningful conversations with students that are scaffolded and lead to greater growth.
Close Gaps
Catalyze learning and close gaps with our software application of The MARIO Approach™, our evidence-based intervention with a measured effect size of .91.
Measure What Matters
High levels of personalization helps you measure what you value, not the other way around.
Model Success
Our unique teacher and student-facing software empowers educators to model what successful learning looks like.
Improve Compliance
Extensive customized reports ensure your school can demonstrate that learning is occurring in a variety of ways.
Reduce Workload
Easily prepare for learning conversations, track interventions, measure growth, write reports, and communicate with parents or guardians.
How to Purchase MARIO for Me
The MARIO for Me software can be purchased by any school, anywhere. To help make personalized learning accessible, we’ve outlined how the MARIO for Me software and MARIO Framework courses qualify for US funding sources. If you are looking to develop self-directed learners, the MARIO Framework provides the solutions outlined below.