Serious Games and Their Effect on Improving Attention in Students with Learning Disabilities

October 6, 2022

Finding the correlation between serious games based on multiple intelligences and the improvement of concentration and attention in students with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD] and Specific Learning Disability [SLD].

Serious Games and Their Effect on Improving Attention in Students with Learning Disabilities


The effect of ‘serious’ games on focus and attention
Using the Tree of Intelligences (ToI) method, based on Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, serious games such as Cuibrain and Boogies Academy have improved the attention and concentration of students with ADHD and SLD.
“Video games are increasingly used in the field of special education to support well-being, social skills, independent living, and inclusion in varied samples of students with special needs such as autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, and giftedness [8–11].”
In other studies, serious games offer a fun learning environment for students that are often motivationally challenging. The authors also shared a study done by Garmen et al. showing that both serious games used in the study, called Boogies Academy and Cuibrain, also showed reduced anxiety levels in participants and an increasing level of self-concept after using both games as intervention. Because there is an increase in technology use in education, it has shaped the learning platforms we offer students. How can we then utilize this shift to improve cognitive processes?

The benefits of using serious games for students
A quasi-experimental study with an experimental and control group was used. The 44 participants were aged 6-16 with either ADHD or SLD. Each participant completed 28 sessions (Two 10-minute sessions per week). Performance and observation measures (questionnaires for parents) were used to compare the attention profiles of both groups. Boogies Academy (6-10) was used for younger participants, and Cuibrain with the older participants (11-16). “This study was conducted in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association, named Declaration of Helsinki, which establishes the ethical principles for research involving humans [41].” After the study, the control group was also exposed to the intervention.

The results of the study confirm previous research that there is a potential for serious games to improve performance in attention and concentration. The authors’ study noticed the most significant increase in variables was performance accuracy. There was an improvement in accuracy, concentration, and the total effectiveness of the test.
The value of technology and games in Learning
As technology and video games have become essential in learning, the article implores educators and schools to consider using serious games based on multiple intelligences as an intervention to help students with ADHD and SLDs increase attention, concentration, and problem-solving skills. Based on performance measures, the results showed a general improvement in accuracy and concentration for both experimental and control groups. According to the parent questionnaire, there was no evidence to support that attention and concentration symptoms were reduced overall. Still, there is definite evidence of concentration and accuracy in the game improving after the sessions. “Previous research has highlighted the existence of a low correspondence between the scores of children and adolescents in traditional performance tests and the difficulties observed in various areas of daily life functioning, such as school or home, reported by different informants—particularly parents and teachers [44–48]. ” Overall, both games offer the potential to improve attention variables.

Notable Quotes
“With respect to attentional variables assessed by means of performance measures (D2), the results indicated a general improvement in both the experimental and control groups after the intervention, with a general increase in concentration and accuracy.”
“The main conclusion arising from these findings is the need to broaden the study of educational video games and their possible benefits to different cognitive variables and diverse populations, especially those with difficulties in the automation or control of cognitive processes, such as attention.”
“These results invite consideration of the applicability of boosting different intelligences, talents or unique abilities through educational video games as an important bridge to improving areas of deficit, in this case, attention in students with learning disabilities.”

Personal Takeaway

The correlation between serious games and increased attention and concentration in students with ADHD and SLD allows educators to widen their repertoire regarding intervention. There are considerations for using these games based on multiple intelligences to improve areas of deficits-particularly the attention-of SLD students. According to Gardner’s theory, student strengths can be built up to counteract attention challenges. Serious games can either be incorporated into classrooms as the transition time to hone problem-solving skills or be used as reinforcements to strengthen attention and concentration at the end of the day. It would be great to see the transfer of concentration and attention from these games to classroom performance.


Nika Espinosa

Article Summarized:

García-Redondo, García, Areces, Núñez, & Rodríguez. (2019). Serious Games and Their Effect Improving Attention in Students with Learning Disabilities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(14), 2480.

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